Sunday, April 26, 2009

26 April 2009

Wow. It's been three months since I posted on here- can that be possible?

The low-down... I'm in need of some health-therapy. My friend Sara is coming this weekend for a short visit and I'm READY to pick her brain.
Almost done with my first trimester of a much-desired pregnancy (I had two difficult miscarriages last year), I'm struggling to balance exercise (not wanting to go overboard as I desperately want this pregnancy to stick around!) and eating (can we say Ramen Noodle cravings?!).

In the end, my goal is this: not to gain more than 20-25 lbs. before Thanksgiving. I know, people always say not to think that way during a pregnancy, but I can't help it- it's part of me, and I want to be healthy- for me, for this babe. It had taken me a full two years to drop all of the 41 lbs. I gained with little R. and I'm determined to make life easier for myself by gaining significantly less weight this time around. I'm okay with needing to lose 10 or so lbs. after the baby comes. I'm not okay with having 30 to lose.

Here's the other thing: at the first of this year, I took part in a Resolutionary Challenge which included 10 things to do (or not do) for 12 weeks- each thing equaled one point for a total of 10 points possible per day. I did well, until about 3 weeks from the end (lots of traveling- I knew I couldn't keep my "perfect 10" score). By the end, I realized that saying "absolutely no sweets until Sunday" was no good for me. I'd be perfect all week, then binge for an entire day on Sundays, which left me feeling horrible and undoing any progress made during the week. So, I'm done with that rule. And what's happened? I don't eat as many sweets- no binging. Chocolate covered almonds on my counter all week long and I had ... two? Because there was no rule telling me I couldn't. I just... didn't.

Moderation in all things- I'm all over that. Now to figure out how to create a plan for the next 6 1/2 months... (I'm looking forward to Sara being here to help me on that!).